Register your interest for more information and details on how to start your journey
First Name
Type of counselling (select those which are appropriate)
Sex Therapy
Relationship counselling
Compulsive Sexual Behaviour
I agree to the privacy policy.
If you do not wish to take things further with Relate Jersey within 8 weeks of your enquiry, we will delete your enquiry form from our system.
Registration Form
What service are you interested in
Relationship counselling
Sex Therapy
Select as many as needed
Do you require more information on
National Contracts
Low Income Support
Select as many as needed
Do you intent to attend counselling alone or jointly with your partner?
With my partner from the outset
With my partner eventually
Not sure
Email address
Contact number
Street Address
Address Line 2
Date of birth
DD slash MM slash YYYY
You Partners Details
Your Partners Name
Your Partners Email address
Your Partners Contact number
Your Partners Address
Same as mine
Your Partners Address
Street Address
Address Line 2
You Partners Date of birth
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Please confirm which other agencies/services you are involved with (if applicable)
How many children do you have with your partner
How many other children do you have?(i.e. with former partners)
How many other children does your partner have?(i.e. with former partners)
How many children live with you full time or part time?
Does your partner know that you are contacting Relate?
Do you agree to us contacting your partner to arrange the joint assessment?
Please advise us when you would like us to involve your partner in the process. In the meantime, we will communicate with you alone.